AHSVS 2013 E-Book - page 446

Uterine bleeding
- Any clinically significant
bleeding during the pregnancy taking into consideration
the stage of pregnancy; any second or third trimester
bleeding or third trimester bleeding of the uterus prior to
the onset of labor.
Complications of labor and/or delivery
- A fever greater than 100 degrees F. or 38
degrees C. occurring during labor and/or delivery.
Meconium, moderate/heavy
- Meconium consists
of undigested debris from swallowed amniotic fluid,
various products of secretion and shedding by the
gastrointestinal tract, moderate to heavy amounts of
meconium in the amniotic fluid noted during labor and/or
Premature rupture of membranes (more than
12 hours)
- Rupture of membranes at any time during
pregnancy and more than 12 hours before the onset of
Abruptio placenta
- Premature separation of
normally implanted placenta from the uterus.
Placenta previa
- Implantation of the placenta over
or near the internal opening of the cervix.
Other excessive bleeding
- The loss of significant
amount of blood from conditions other than abruptio
placenta or placenta previa.
Seizures during labor
- Maternal seizures occurring
during labor from any cause.
Precipitous labor
(less than 3 hours) - Extremely
rapid labor and delivery lasting less than 3 hours.
Prolonged labor
(more than 20 hours) -Abnormally
slow progress of labor lastingmore than 20 hours.
Dysfunctional labor
- Failure to progress in a
normal pattern of labor.
- At birth, the
presentation of the fetal buttocks, rather than the head
or other malpresentation.
Cephalopelvic disproportion
- The relationship of
the size, presentation, and position of the fetal head to
the maternal pelvis, which prevents dilation of the cervix
and/or descent of the fetal head.
Cord prolapse
- Premature expulsion of the
umbilical cord in labor before the fetus is delivered.
Anesthetic complications
- Any complication
during labor and/or delivery brought on by an anesthetic
agent or agents.
Fetal distress
- Signs indicating fetal hypoxia
(deficiency in amount of oxygen reaching fetal tissues).
Abnormal conditions of thenewborn
- Hemoglobin level of less than 13.0 g/dL,
or a hematocrit of less than 39 percent.
Birth injury
- Impairment of the infant's body
function or structure due to adverse influences that
occurred at birth.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
- A syndrome of altered
prenatal growth and development occurring in infants
born of women who consumed excessive amounts of
alcohol during pregnancy.
Hyaline membrane disease/RDS
- A disorder
primarily of prematurity, manifested clinically by
respiratory distress and pathologically by pulmonary
hyaline membranes and incomplete expansion of the
lungs at birth.
Meconium aspiration syndrome
- Aspiration of
meconium by the fetus or newborn, affecting the lower
respiratory system.
Assisted ventilation
(less than 30 minutes)
- A
mechanical method of assisting respiration for newborns
with respiratory failure.
Assisted ventilation
(30 minutes or more)
Newborn placed on assisted ventilation for 30 minutes or
- A seizure of any etiology.
Congenital anomalies of child
? Absence of the cerebral
Spina bifida/meningocele
? Developmental
anomaly characterized by defective closure of the bony
encasement of the spinal cord, through which the cord
andmeningesmay or may not protrude.
? Excessive accumulation of
cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain with
consequent enlargement of cranium.
? A significantly small head.
Other central nervous system anomalies
specified anomalies of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous
? Congenital anomalies of
Other circulatory/respiratory anomalies
specified anomalies of the circulatory and respiratory
Rectal atresia/stenosis
? Congenital absence,
closure, or narrowing of the rectum.
Tracheo-esophageal fistula/Esophageal atresia
? An abnormal passage between the trachea and the
esophagus; esophageal atresia is the congenital absence
or closure of the esophagus.
? An omphalocele is a
protrusion of variable amounts of abdominal viscera from
a midline defect at the base of the umbilicus. In
gastroschisis, the abdominal viscera protrude through an
abdominal wall defect, usually on the right side of the
umbilical cord insertion.
Other gastrointestinal anomalies
? Other
specified congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal
? Congenital anomalies of the
reproductive organs.
Renal agenesis
? One or both kidneys are
completely absent.
Other urogenital anomalies
? Other specified
congenital anomalies of the organs concerned in the
production and excretion of the urine, together with
organs of reproduction.
Cleft lip/palate
? Cleft lip is a fissure or elongated
opening of the lip; cleft palate is a fissure in the roof of
themouth. These are failures of embryonic development.
? Polydactyly is
the presence of more than five digits on hands and/or
feet; syndactyly is having fused or webbed fingers and/or
toes; adactyly is the absence of fingers and/or toes.
Club foot
? Deformities of the foot, which is twisted
out of shape or position.
Diaphragmatic hernia
? Herniation of the
abdominal contents through the diaphragm into the
thoracic cavity usually resulting in respiratory distress.
Down?s syndrome
? The most common
chromosomal defect with most cases resulting from an
extra chromosome (trisomy 21).
Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics 2013
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