HSAM 2012 - page 7

4-8. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
4-9. Mortality of infants from low birthweight
5-7. Lung cancer
5-17 . Alzheimer's disease
5-5. Chronic lower respiratory diseases
5-8. Breast cancer
4-1. Incidence of hyaline membrane disease
5-10 . Colorectal cancer
2-2. Tobacco use during pregnancy
5-11 . Prostate cancer
5-6. Malignant neoplasm (cancer)
2-9. Genital herpes during pregnancy
5-3. Coronary heart disease
6-6. Drug-induced deaths
5-2. Diseases of the heart
4-2. Incidence of newborn intensive care
5-1. Cardiovascular disease
5-4. Cerebrovascular disease
6-5. Injury by firearms
4-5. Born too small: <1,500 grams
4-4. Born too small: <2,500 grams
4-10 . Neonatal mortality
1-2. Pregnancies among females 14 and younger
4-3. Born too early (preterm or < 37 weeks)
6-8. Intentional self-harm (suicide)
4-6. Incidence of congenital anomalies
6-3. Fall-related injuries
5-20 . Total mortality from all causes
8-3. Median age at death among females
4-7. Infant mortality
8-1. Median age at death from all causes
5-15 . HIV disease
8-2. Median age at death among males
2-10 . Weight gain of less than 21 pounds
5-9. Cervical cancer
5-19 . Essential (primary) hypertension
8-4. Deaths before expected years of life reached
2-8. Pregnancy-associated hypertension
7-4. Mortality of middle-aged adults 45-64 years
1-3. Pregnancies among females 15-17 years
9-5. Incidence of HIV/AIDS
1-1. Pregnancies among females 19 and younger
2-4. Chronic hypertension
1-4. Pregnancies among females 18-19 years
2-5. Dysfunctional labor
3-3. No prenatal care
9-1. Incidence of early syphilis
2-1. Unmarried mothers
9-4. Incidence of genital herpes
2-6. Anemia during pregnancy
3-1. No care in the 1st trimester
4-11 . Postneonatal mortality
2-7. Diabetes during pregnancy
9-2. Incidence of gonorrhea
6-1. Unintentional injuries
6-4. Drowning mortality
7-2. Mortality of adolescents 15-19 years
3-2. Fewer than five prenatal visits
9-3. Incidence of chlamydia
5-18 . Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
7-3. Mortality of young adults 20-44 years
6-9. Assault (homicide)
7-1. Mortality of children 1-14 years
2-3. Alcohol use during pregnancy
6-2. Motor vehicle-related injuries
5-12 . Influenza and pneumonia
5-16 . Septicemia
5-13 . Diabetes
5-14 . Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
6-7. Alcohol-induced deaths
Better than Average
Worse than Average
Average for All Residents
(Percent above or below the average
rate or ratio of all Arizona residents in
Health Status Profile of American Indians in Arizona, 2012 Data Book
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