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Data Tables
1-1 Number of deaths from injuries and all other causes by age group among Arizona Residents: Eleven-year summary for 1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-2 Injury mortality by intent, gender and year, Arizona residents, 1993-2003
1-3 Total mortality and injury mortality by county of residence and year, Arizona, 1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-4 Injury mortality by intent, race/ethnic group and year, Arizona residents,
1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-5 All injury deaths by five-year age groups and year, Arizona residents, 1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-6 Mortality rates for injuries by intent and for natural causes among age groups of persons 0 to 19 years old, Arizona residents, 1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-7 Number of injury deaths by intent and year among persons 0 to 19 years old by age group, Arizona residents, 1993-2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-8 Injury mortality among persons 0 to 19 years old by intent, age group and race/ethnicity, Arizona residents, 2003 [PDF | XLS]
1-9 Injury mortality among persons 0 to 19 years old by intent and county of residence, Arizona, 2003 [PDF | XLS]

This report was prepared and made Web-ready by
Christopher K. Mrela, Ph.D., Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics,
Clare Torres, Senior Health Data Analyst

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