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Data Tables
3-1 Number of suicides and age-adjusted suicide mortality rates by gender and year, Arizona residents, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-2 Age-specific and age-adjusted suicide mortality rates for Arizona and United States, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-3 Number of suicides and suicide rates for persons 15-24 years old by age group and year, Arizona and United States, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-4 Number of suicides by ethnic group, age group and year, Arizona residents, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS ]
3-5 Number of suicides and suicide mortality rates by age group and gender, Arizona residents, 2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-6 Age-specific and age-adjusted suicide rates by category of marital status and gender, Arizona residents aged 18 years or older in 2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-7 Suicide mortality by means of injury, race/ethnicity and gender, Arizona residents, 2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-8 Suicide mortality rates by county of residence, Arizona residents,
1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-9 Number of suicides by county of residence and year, Arizona residents,
1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-10 Number of suicides for persons 15-19 years old by county of residence and year, Arizona residents, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-11 Number of suicides for elderly (65 years and older) by county of residence and year, Arizona residents, 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-12 Suicide mortality by month and year, Arizona residents, 1996-2006
3-13 Suicide deaths by gender, means of injury and year, Arizona residents,
1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-14 Suicide mortality by means of injury and age group, Arizona residents,
2006 [PDF | XLS]
3-15 Suicides among Arizona residents by age group, race/ethnicity and year:
A summary table with totals for 1996-2006 [PDF | XLS]

  Table A Population denominators used to compute age-adjusted suicide rates by race/ethnicity, age group and gender, Arizona, 2006 [PDF | XLS]
Table B Population denominators used to compute age-specific and age-adjusted suicide rates by gender and category of marital status, Arizona residents 18 years or older in 2006 [PDF | XLS]

Note: Additional data about suicide can be found in the Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics report; age-adjusted mortality rates by year, gender, race/ethnicity, urban/rural area (Chapter 2B); age-specific mortality of children, adolescents, young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults (Chapter 2C), patterns of premature mortality (Chapter 2D), county-level numbers and rates (Chapter 5E), community-level data (Chapter 9C).

This report was prepared and made Web-ready by
    Christopher K. Mrela, Ph.D., Arizona Vital Statistician,
    Clare Torres, Senior Health Data Analyst

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