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Data Tables
7-1 Death rates by age group and year for injury by firearms, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-2 Rates of firearm-related deaths by county of residence and year, Arizona, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-3 Number of suicides by firearms and total suicides by age group and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-4 Number of homicides by firearms and total homicides by age group and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-5 Number of firearm-related unintentional fatalities and all unintentional injury deaths by age group and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-6 Firearm-related death rates associated with homicide, suicide, and unintentional injury among adolescents 15-19 years old, Arizona residents and United States, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-7 Number of firearm-related fatalities by age group, intent, and year, Arizona, residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-8 Number of firearm-related fatalities by race/ethnicity and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-9 Number of firearm-related fatalities by race/ethnicity, gender, and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-10 Number of firearm-related fatalities by gender, intent, and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-11 Number of deaths by firearms, by county of residence and year, Arizona, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-12 Number of firearm-related deaths by 5-year age groups and year, Arizona residents, 2012-2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-13 Number of deaths by firearms by intent, age group, and rates of firearm-related fatalities in urban and rural areas, Arizona residents, 2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-14 Number of firearm-related fatalities by intent, race/ethnicity, and age group, Arizona residents, 2022 [PDF | XLSX]
7-15 Number of deaths by firearms and rates of firearm-related fatalities by gender and age group, Arizona residents, 2022 [PDF | XLSX]

This report was prepared and made Web-ready by:
    Matthew Roach, MPH, Vital Statistics Manager
    Yan Huang, M.S., Data Analyst
    Clare Torres, Senior Health Data Analyst

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