1. Age group of mother
2. Marital status of mother
3. Mother’s race/ethnicity
4. Party paying for the delivery
5. Early, late or no prenatal care
6. Number of prenatal visits
7. Substance use during pregnancy
8. Person in attendance and place of delivery
9. Weight at birth and gestational age
10. Abnormal conditions of the newborn
11. Congenital anomalies (birth defects)
12. Medical risk factors for pregnancy
13. Complications of labor and/or delivery
14. Infant deaths by neonatal/postneonatal age
15. Infant deaths by mother’s race/ethnicity
16. Infant deaths by cause
This report was prepared and made Web-ready by
Christopher K. Mrela, Ph.D., Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics
Trentham Coe, Senior Research Data Analyst