AHSVS 2013 E-Book - page 90

Number of ReportedAbortions andAbortionRates
ArizonaResidents, 2003-2013
Number of abortions per 1,000 females 15-44 years old. The sharp increase in number of reported abortions and
rates was due to enhanced surveillance as noted in the abortion report.
In calendar year 2013, the Arizona
Department of Health Services received
13,254 reports of abortions obtained by
Arizona residents, 125more than the 13,129
reported in 2012 (
Figure 1-D1
Table 1D-
There were 13,023 abortions in non-hospital
clinics (
Table 1D-1
). Hospitals accounted
for 152 abortion procedures, with 79
procedures being performed outside of
clinics and hospitals.
Ninety-one percent of all reported abortions
occurred at or before 13 weeks of
pregnancy. Few reported abortions occurred
after 14 or more weeks of gestation: 8.9
percent at 14 weeks or more (percentages
based on data in
Trends in theNumber of Surgical andNon-Surgical Abortions byYear,
ArizonaResidents, 2003-2013
The rate of induced terminations of
pregnancy per 1,000 female residents aged
15-44 increased slightly from 10.2 in 2012
to 10.3 in 2013 (
Table 1D-1
). The relative
stability in the abortion ratios and rates from
2011 through 2013, when compared to the
variability observed from 2010 to 2011,
reflects the new reporting abortion
requirements implemented mid-year in
Trends in the percent of abortions conducted
through surgical and non-surgical means
from 2003 to 2013 indicate shifting practices
in methods used to complete abortions. In
2003, 76.0 percent of all abortion
procedures were surgical procedures. By
2009, the number of abortions performed by
surgical versus non-surgical means was
nearly equal. Since then, the proportion of
abortions conducted through surgical means
has again increased, with 71.9 percent of all
abortion procedures conducted in 2013 being
surgical procedures.
Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics 2013
Cover...,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,...459
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