Population Health and Vital Statistics

Population Denominators


Unlike the population estimates for 2001-2009, the 2010 population denominators for Arizona reflect the census enumerations. The denominator tables below are based on the Demographic Profile of the State, which provided cross-tabulations of gender by five-year age groups (<5, 5-9, 10-14, etc) and county of residence. They were developed in June 2011. At that time, no such population data were available by race/ethnic group and/or single-year of age. Since we were about to release Advance Vital Statistics by County of Residence, Arizona, 2010, we have decided to use the number of resident births in 2010 as the population <1 year of age. When the census population by race/ethnicity, age, and gender became available on 7/14/2011, the difference between the number of resident births (87,053) and the population <1 year of age (87,557) did not seem statistically significant. See U.S. Census Bureau, American FactFinder.

The decison to use the number of residents births slightly affected the size of of the population sub-group of children aged 1-14 years (we are using the number of 1,271,006 vs.the census count of 1,270,502; a difference of 504 or 0.04 percent).

Note: Information provided in Excel files.