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Populationpyramid ?
Agraphical representation of a population?s age and sex distribution.
Prevalence ?
Broadly the commonalityof a given condition in the population. Usually expressed
as a proportion of the populationwith a given health condition.
Primaryprevention ?
Public health efforts to prevent the development of disease before
symptom onset.
?A type of ratio inwhich the numerator is included in the population defined by the
denominator. Aproportion is oftenmultiplied by100 and expressed as a percentage.
Rate ?
is a ratio inwhich those in the numerator are also in the denominator, and those in
the denominator are "at risk" of being in the numerator. The denominator is the sum of "at risk"
person-time or, by convention, the count of individuals "at risk" in a given time period.
is anydivision of one number by another; the numerator and denominator do not
have to bemutually exclusive.
Socioeconomic status ?
Amultifaceted construct representingone?s access to various resources.
This construct often includes indicators such as income, assets, education, occupational prestige,
and social involvement.