Mission and Vision Statement
The vision of the Department is to ideally achieve a state of Health and Wellness for all
Arizonans, while the mission is to promote, protect, and improve the health and wellness of
individuals and communities in Arizona. The updated mission and vision statements are helping
us build public health value in-house as well as in the community. In an effort to improve the
visibility of these critical documents, the format was modernized and ADHS is making an effort
to educate our partners and reinvigorate staff on our goals.
To provide a framework for our mission, ADHS is utilizing a Strategic Map. The Strategic Map
provides ADHS with a clear direction, a path for implementing each strategy, and an effective
approach for engaging community involvement. The Strategic Map allows the entire agency to
come together under a single public health umbrella concentrating on activities and resources
that will achieve better public health outcomes. ADHS meeting spaces and buildings have
updated versions of these documents to create an opportunity to share our map and vision with
colleagues visiting our agency. Incorporating the strategic plan into all we do, will enable us to
align the agency’s resources and programs as we pave the way toward a new era in public health
where improving quality and efficiency, while improving public health outcomes is the way we
do business.