Increase the percent of behavioral health clients employed or involved in work-
related activities after completion of substance abuse treatment
Objective 3: Reduce Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) and Readmissions
The HAI Advisory Committee will prioritize efforts and leverage resources across ADHS to
work with partners to reduce infections acquired in health care settings and improve health
Performance Measures:
Decrease the rate of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI)
Increase the percent of technical assistance provided to facility or local health
department conducting investigations of reported HAI outbreaks
Objective 4: Reduce Suicides
Successful evidence based prevention strategies will be employed to reduce the suicide rates
among adults and teenagers. Collaboration across the agency will chart a path for additional
work in this area.
Performance Measures:
Decrease the rate of suicide deaths among Arizonans
Decrease the rate of suicide deaths among teens aged 15-19 years
Objective 5:
Reduce Teen Pregnancy
Recent declines in Arizona’s teen pregnancy rate are dramatic. ADHS is committed to
continuing to focus on this important objective through the work currently provided as well as
on-going collaboration with stakeholders.
Performance Measures:
Decrease the birth rate for teenagers aged 15-17