Strategic Priority #5: Maximize ADHS Effectiveness
The fifth and final Strategic Priority promotes a business model that strives to improve internal
processes by improving efficiency. The consolidation of programs and staff over the past several
years yielded an opportunity to partner internally in new and exciting ways. These efforts have
led to development of user-friendly policies and procedures that contribute to increased
operational efficiencies, and refinement of information technology policies and procedures to
address new security concerns, emerging technology, and business needs. ADHS provides a
highly available and flexible information technology environment that supports the
implementation and maintenance of enterprise applications, business communications, and
internet-based public services. The following Strategic Objectives focus on innovative methods
of providing the services by integrating our lines of business to increase efficiency and
Objective 1:
Implement Agency-wide Workforce Development
In order to retain, promote and recruit talent, ADHS must focus on investing in workforce
development. This effort will look at integrating training, retention, and succession planning
across the agency.
Performance Measures:
Decrease the percent of agency staff turnover
Decrease the percent of ASH staff turnover during the first 12 months of
Increase the percent completion of ADOA online Supervisory Academy courses
within 6 months of hire/promotion
Increase the percent of new ASH staff participating in workforce development
training within 90 days of New Employee Orientation
Objective 2: Leverage Technologies to Achieve Results
ADHS is committed to looking for new and existing technology to increase efficiency. Creating
more e-government solutions, using state of the art technology in our State Lab and ASH help
ensure higher quality results.
Performance Measures:
Increase the percent of new e-government applications implemented on schedule
Increase the number of electronic data exchanges with Shareholders/ partners
Increase the percent of communicable disease lab reports received electronically