Performance Measure:
Increase the percent of technical assistance requests from Native Health partners
that are completed
Increase the number of new activities or partnerships developed to establish
ADHS as an Academic Health Department
Objective 4:
Address Public Health Workforce Needs
ADHS is seeking to increase the talent pool attracted to careers in public health. By creating
new cross jurisdictional partnerships and partnering with Universities and other professional
development organizations, ADHS will encourage potential talent that the work of ADHS is
exciting and meaningful to the public.
Performance Measures:
Increase the number of new AZ Public Health Training Center (AZPHTC) classes
and trainings offered
Increase the number of ADHS interns
Objective 5:
Achieve Public Health Accreditation
ADHS is in the process of completing the prerequisites and requirements needed for the state to
achieve accreditation, analyzing our collaborations with stakeholders as well as our ability to
perform effectively on the ten essential public health services. These ten essential services were
established in 1994 by a Core Public Health Functions Steering Committee that included
representatives from US Public Health Service agencies and other major public health
organizations who were tasked with developing a national framework. The ten essential services
include: Monitor health status, Diagnose and Investigate health problems and hazards, Inform
and Educate to empower people about health issues, Mobilize community partnerships, Develop
policies and plans, Enforce laws and regulations, Link people to health services, Assure
competent health workforce, Evaluate effectiveness and quality, and Research to find innovative
solutions to health problems. Ultimately, the accreditation effort will improve the quality of
public services in Arizona, as well as impact public health outcomes for our citizens.
Performance Measures:
Increase the percent completion of prerequisites for accreditation
Increase the percent completion of required Domain Documentation
Increase the percent of PHAB requirements completed according to ADHS