Objective 3: Measure Performance to Drive Continuous Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement is the foundation of an effective public health system. ADHS
is implementing a performance management system throughout the agency.
Performance Measures:
Increase the percent of CQI projects completed on schedule
Increase the percent of audit investigations with results triggering action that are
Increase the percent of microbiological and chemical proficiency test samples
meeting national standards
Objective 4:
Improve Internal Policy Development and Implementation
ADHS is continuously working to address policy making procedures and guidelines. This effort
will streamline the process to provide coordination in an effort to produce timely, effective and
user-friendly policies, procedures and guidelines.
Performance Measures:
Percent of existing policies that are reviewed according to agency schedule
Percent of procurement staff’s knowledge of procurement policies and process
Objective 5: Fulfill Statutory Regulatory and Operational Requirements
An extensive responsibility for ADHS is fulfilling legal mandates, and enforcing the rules and
regulations around many public health programs. Additionally, we have various operational
requirements that we maintain to meet either state or federal guidelines.
Performance Measures:
Percent of Director’s Decisions each calendar year issued by the Department
within 30 days after receipt of the corresponding administrative law judge (ALJ)
Percent of rules approved on the first hearing by GRRC
Percent of inspection letters or status reports sent out to the licensed clinical and
environmental laboratories within 45 days of the onsite inspection
Percent of Arizona Biomedical Research Commission research contracts that are
in compliance