Performance Measures:
Increase the number of public health and emergency response professionals on the
volunteer Health Alert Network
Increase the number of key Tribal public health organizations contracted and
engaged in a significant public health emergency preparedness activity
Increase the percent of communicable disease outbreak investigations initiated
within 48 hours of reporting to ADHS
Increase the percent of reportable disease results submitted to ADHS by providers
within State required time frames
Objective 4:
Provide a Safety Net of Services and Community Support
ADHS is for many, a source of support and/or services. This objective highlights the work
already in place to provide public health services, community support and encourages
connections with the numerous community stakeholders to leverage resources in new and
creative ways.
Performance Measures:
Increase the percent of health care licensure renewals granted within licensing
Increase the percent of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer recommended
Objective 5:
Promote Healthy and Safe Community Environments
This objective is modeled after the US Department of Health and Human Services National
Prevention Strategy’s focus on safe environments to provide drug free, gang free, non-violent
safe communities for residents to thrive and live more healthily. Also, this effort emphasizes the
ability to create sustainable, green spaces minimizing environmental hazards and threats of food
borne illness, toxic exposures, and pandemics.
Performance Measures:
Increase the immunization rate among 2-year old children
Increase the percent of
communicable disease outbreak investigations initiated
within 48 hours of reporting to ADHS
Increase the percent of monthly infectious disease trainings to county health
departments conducted on schedule