AHSVS 2013 E-Book - page 123

2 1 Malignant neoplasms
9,451 9,506 9,673 9,768 9,955 9,949 10,147 10,423 10,543 10,871 11,193
1 2 Diseases of heart
10,649 10,402 10,779 10,362 10,147 10,299 10,151 9,719 10,424 10,366 10,497
3 3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
2,522 2,392 2,778 2,771 2,651 2,896 2,808 2,892 3,143 3,167 3,295
4 4 Accidents (unintentional injury)
2,466 2,641 3,006 3,156 3,014 2,951 2,887 2,834 2,959 2,804 3,137
6 5 Alzheimer's disease
1,691 1,672 1,816 2,057 2,041 2,086 2,086 2,314 2,336 2,154 2,384
5 6 Cerebrovascular diseases
2,356 2,412 2,325 2,159 2,079 2,089 2,010 2,051 2,067 2,096 2,047
8 7 Diabetes
1,124 1,180 1,196 1,188 1,145 1,162 1,078 1,372 1,721 1,698 1,744
9 8 Intentional self-harm (suicide)
807 854 915 948 986 968 1,060 1,070 1,113 1,070 1,116
10 9 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
625 629 749 706 734 778 818 843 933 971 1,040
7 10 Influenza andpneumonia
1,248 1,108 1,280 1,147 875 1,075 1,007 729 649 635 724
15 11 Essential primary hypertension and
hypertensive renal disease
339 405 390 420 389 475 475 498 725 739 711
14 12 Parkinson?s disease
402 390 492 489 455 487 446 488 545 579 578
11 13 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and
550 625 603 549 510 488 532 516 409 440 391
12 14 Assault (homicide)
480 486 503 525 494 461 360 404 387 376 383
13 15 Septicemia
463 456 496 539 547 539 528 425 321 319 354
42,830 42,736 45,115 45,415 44,640 45,128 45,065 45,871 47,547 48,459 49,929
Cause of death
2003 2004 2005
Notes: The cause-of-death titles are according to the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). The causes of death for 2003-2013 are classified by ICD-
10, replacing the Ninth Revision (ICD-9) used during 1979-1999. The group titles, such as cardiovascular diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, or other cardiovascular diseases
are not ranked to determine the leading causes of death. The ICD-10 code for the underlying cause of deathwasmissing for asmany as140 in 2008.
2010 2011 2012 2013
2006 2007 2008 2009
Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics 2013
Cover...,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122 124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,...459
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