
Population Health and Vital Statistics

Hospital Inpatient Discharges & Emergency Room Visits Statistics

By First-listed Diagnosis

Hospital Inpatient Discharges

Number of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and age group (Table 1)

Number of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and gender (Table 2)

Number of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and county of residence (Table 3)

Number of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and race/ethnicity (Table 4)

Rate of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and age group (Table 5)

Rate of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and gender (Table 6)

Rate of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and county of residence (Table 7)

Rate of inpatient discharges by first-listed diagnosis and race/ethnicity (Table 8)

Emergency Room Visits

Number of emergency room visits by first-listed diagnosis and age group (Table 1)

Number of emergency room visits for the leading diagnosis groups and age group (Table 2)

Number of emergency room visits by first-listed diagnosis and county of residence (Table 3)

Number of emergency room visits for the leading diagnosis groups and county of residence (Table 4)

This report was prepared and made Web-ready by:

  • Matthew Roach, MPH, Vital Statistics Manager
  • Yan Huang, MS, Data Analyst
  • Clare Torres, Senior Health Data Analyst