
Population Health and Vital Statistics

Vital Statistics Trends in Arizona


  • Number of Births by Year and County of Residence
  • Birth Rates by Year and County of Residence
  • Resident Births by Mother's Age Group, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Year
  • Birth Rate, General Fertility Rate, Total Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction Rate, and Age-Specific Birth Rates by Year
  • Low-Birthweight Births by County of Residence
  • Low-Birthweight Birth Ratios in Urban and Rural Counties
  • Characteristics of Mothers, and Newborns
  • Characteristics of White non-Hispanic Mothers, and Newborns
  • Characteristics of Hispanic or Latino Mothers, and Newborns
  • Characteristics of Black or African American Mothers, and Newborns
  • Characteristics of American Indian or Alaska Native Mothers, and Newborns
  • Characteristics of Asian or Pacific Islander Mothers, and Newborns