Population Health and Vital Statistics
Various Health Statistics
By Gender
Total Mortality
Cause-specific Mortality
- Deaths and death rates by gender for selected causes, 2021
- Age-adjusted mortality rates by gender, and year for selected leading causes of death, 2011-2021
- Number of deaths from diseases of the heart by category, gender, and year, 2011-2021
- Number of deaths for selected subcategories of malignant neoplasms by gender, and year, 2011-2021
- Number of deaths from motor vehicle-related injuries by person injured, gender, and year, 2011-2021
- Age-adjusted mortality rates for selected causes of death by urban/rural area, and gender, 2021
Communicable Disease
Age-specific Mortality
- Number and rate of infant deaths by race/ethnicity, and gender, 2011-2021
- Infant mortality rates for the selected leading causes of death, 2021
- Mortality rates for the five leading causes of death among children 1-14 years, 2011-2021
- Mortality rates for the five leading causes of death among adolescents 15-19 years, 2011-2021
- Mortality rates for the five leading causes of death among young adults 20-44 years, 2011-2021
- Mortality rates for the five leading causes of death among middle-aged adults 45-64 years, 2011-2021
- Mortality rates for the five leading causes of death among elderly 65 years and older, 2011-2021
Premature Mortality
Note: Information provided in PDF and Excel files.